08 Oct Nationwide M/W/DBE Program Directory
Posted at 17:35h in Bidder Resource
Access 1,000+ M/W/DBE Resources. Below is a sample directory of the M/W/DBE programs from local, state and federal included with your subscription.
Region | State | Metro Area | Entity | Level | Item, Program, or Resource | Local | DBE/HUB | SBE | WBE | MBE | VBE | DVBE | URL / Email |
MW | IL | Chicago | Exelon Corporation | Utility | Supplier Diversity Program and Enrollment | Y | Y | http://www.exeloncorp.com/suppliers/supplierdiversity/Pages/overview.aspx | |||||
MW | KS | Kansas City | Women's Capital Connection | Other | Funding Resources for Women-Owned Businesses | Y | http://womenscapitalconnection.com/ | ||||||
MW | OH | Columbus | Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission | Other | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.morpc.org/about-morpc/overview/policies/dbe/ | |||
NE | DC | Washington, DC | Minority Business Development Agency Center, Wash. DC | Other | Resources for MBEs | Y | http://www.mbda.gov/businesscenters/washington | ||||||
NE | MA | Boston | City of Fall River | Municipal | Minority Business Enterprise Program | Y | http://www.fallriverma.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=177&Itemid=692 | ||||||
MW | NE | Lincoln | Airport Authority of the City of Lincoln | Municipal | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise programs | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.lincolnairport.com/business-information/dbe-acdbe/ | |||
NW | CA | San Francisco | San Jose Water Company | Utility | Supplier Diversity Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.sjwater.com/for_your_business/become_a_supplier/ | |||
NW | OR | Portland | City of Portland | Municipal | Program for MBE, WBE, & emerging small firms | Y | Y | Y | http://www.portlandoregon.gov/brfs/article/396799? | ||||
SE | TN | Nashville | Nashville Electric Service | Utility | Supplier Diversity Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | https://www.nespower.com/supplierdiversity.html | ||
SW | AZ | Phoenix | City of Phoenix | Municipal | Small and Disadvantaged Business Certification Programs | Y | Y | Y | Y | https://www.phoenix.gov/eod/programs/sbecertprograms | |||
SW | TX | Texas | Texas Universities HUB Coordinators Alliance | School / University | Resources to promote utilization of HUBs in Texas Universities | Y | Y | Y | http://www.tuhca.org/index.html | ||||
SW | CO | Denver | Denver | Municipal | Programs for SBE, MBE, WBE and DBE firms | Y | Y | Y | Y | https://www.denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/denver-office-of-economic-development/do-business-with-denver.html |
State | Entity | Level | Item, Program, or Resource | Local | DBE/HUB | SBE | WBE | MBE | VBE | DVBE | URL / Email |
AK | State of Alaska | State | Alaska Product Preference Program | Y | https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/ded/DEV/AlaskaProductPreferenceProgram.aspx | ||||||
AZ | Arizona Department of Transportation | State | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | https://www.azdot.gov/business/business-engagement-and-compliance/disadvantaged-business-enterprise-program | |||
CA | State of California | State | Small Business Procurement and Contracts Act | Y | Y | http://www.ilsr.org/rule/local-purchasing-preferences/3102-2/ | |||||
FL | Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council | Other | Certification and technical assistance for MBEs | Y | http://www.sfmsdc.org/ | ||||||
GA | Georgia Department of Transportation | State | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.dot.ga.gov/PS/Business/DBE | |||
HI | Hawaii Department of Transportation | State | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://hidot.hawaii.gov/administration/ocr/dbe/ | |||
IL | State of Illinois Capital Development Board | State | MBE/FBE Information and Goals | Y | Y | http://www.illinois.gov/cdb/business/Pages/MinorityFemaleBusiness.aspx | |||||
KS | Kansas Department of Administration | State | Disabled Veteran Owned Business Pref. Program | Y | http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/ | ||||||
MA | Massachusetts Office for Administration and Finance | State | MBE and WBE participation goals on public construction projects | Y | Y | http://www.mass.gov/anf/budget-taxes-and-procurement/admin-bulletins/minority-business.html | |||||
MD | Governor's Office of Minority Affairs | State | Minority Business & Small Business information | Y | Y | Y | http://goma.maryland.gov/Pages/default.aspx | ||||
MI | Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council | Other | Certification, facilitation, training and networking for MBEs | Y | http://minoritysupplier.org/ | ||||||
MI | Ohio DOT | State | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/ContractAdmin/Contracts/Pages/DBE.aspx | |||
NC | North Carolina Department of Transportation | State | SBE, DBE and WBE certifications and programs | Y | Y | Y | Y | https://connect.ncdot.gov/business/SmallBusiness/Pages/default.aspx | |||
NE | Nebraska Procurement Technical Assistance Center | Other | Resources & training for all levels of government procurement | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://ptac.unomaha.edu/ |
NJ | NY & NJ Minority Supplier Development Council | Other | Certification and business connections for MBEs | Y | http://nynjmsdc.org/ | ||||||
NM | Women's Business Council Southwest | Other | Contracting, certification, referals and resources for WBE | Y | http://www.wbcsouthwest.org/ | ||||||
NV | Veterans Business Outreach Center, Region IX | Other | Support for veteran owned small businesses | Y | Y | http://www.vbocix.org/ | |||||
NY | New York State Department of Transportation | State | BID Express - Small Business Network | Y | https://www.dot.ny.gov/main/business-center/civil-rights/bidexpress | ||||||
OH | Ohio Small Business Development Centers | Other | Business advisory services and workshops | Y | Y | Y | https://clients.ohiosbdc.ohio.gov/ | ||||
OR | Business Oregon | State | Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business | Y | Y | Y | http://www.oregon4biz.com/How-We-Can-Help/OMWESB/ | ||||
PA | Women's Business Enterprise Council-PA, DE & sNJ | Other | Networking and procurement-related programs for WBEs | Y | http://www.wbecouncil.org/ | ||||||
PA | Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | State | DBE Supportive Services | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.pennsylvaniadbe.com/ | |||
RI | Rhode Island Public Transit Authority | Other | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.ripta.com/disadvantaged-business-enterprise-program | |||
TN | Tennessee Board of Regents | State | Purchasing from Small, Minority and Women Owned Businesses | Y | Y | Y | http://bf.memphis.edu/procurement/tbr_attachment_c.pdf | ||||
TX | UTSA SBDC Procurement Technical Assistance Center | Other | Technical assistance for all levels of government procurement | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://ptac.txsbdc.org/ |
UT | Utah Department of Transportation | State | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Information | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.udot.utah.gov/main/f?p=100:pg:0:::1:T,V:2250, | |||
VA | State of Virginia | State | Department of Minority Business Enterprise Certification | Y | Y | Y | Y | http://www.dmbe.virginia.gov/ | |||
WA | Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs | State | Resources for veteran businesses | Y | Y | http://www.dva.wa.gov/program/veteran-business-resources |
Entity | Level | Item, Program, or Resource | Local | DBE/HUB | SBE | WBE | MBE | VBE | DVBE | URL / Email |
U.S. Small Business Administration | Federal | Loans, contracts, counseling, etc. for small businesses | Y | https://www.sba.gov/ | ||||||
The Minority Business Development Agency | Federal | Resources to help establish and grow minority businesses | Y | http://www.mbda.gov/ | ||||||
Federal Aviation Administration | Federal | Airport Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||||
US Department of Veteran Affairs | Federal | Procurement opportunities for veteran owned companies | Y | Y | http://www.va.gov/landing2_business.htm | |||||
US Department of Veteran Affairs | Federal | Business resources for veteran owned companies | Y | Y | http://www.va.gov/osdbu/ | |||||
US Department of Veteran Affairs | Federal | Information on VA contract set-asides | Y | Y | http://www.vetbiz.gov/ | |||||
US Department of Veteran Affairs | Federal | Center for Veterans Enterprise | Y | Y | http://business.usa.gov/program/center-veterans-enterprise-cve | |||||
SBA - Office of Veterans Business Development | Federal | Small business programs for Veterans & Service-Disabled Veterans | Y | Y | Y | https://www.sba.gov/offices/headquarters/ovbd | ||||
MyArmyBenefits | Federal | VBE & DVBE benefits in each US state and territory | Y | Y | http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Home/Benefit_Library/State__Territory_Benefits.html | |||||
United States Department of Agriculture | Federal | Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Program | Y | http://www.dm.usda.gov/smallbus/service_dis_vet.htm |
L = Local Business, DBE = Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, HUB = Historically Underutilized Business, SBE = Small Business Enterprise, WBE = Women Owned Business Enterprise, MBE = Minority Owned Business Enterprise, VBE = Veteran Owned Business Enterprise, DVBE = Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise